Opening to Dying and Grieving:
Editorial Reviews
"One has the advantage of listening to two voices, two experienced individuals who have spent years exploring dying with people faced by this intimate, ultimate stage of life. If one is confronted by the necessity to embrace the reality of death, this book will be a significantly helpful resource."
--Rt. Rev. William Swing; Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California
"Bereaved persons and those who serve them will welcome the insights offered in Opening to Dying and Grieving. The wisdom gleaned is offered in a way that supports growth through the pain of loss and meaning in the midst of despair."
--William M. Lamers, Jr., M.D. -Medical Consultant - Hospice Foundation of America
"I have not as yet lost someone intimately significant to me, but I am already comforted that this book will be waiting for me when I do. The authors take someone grieving through the experience and out to the other side, into the light." --Sr. Rebecca Shinas, O.P. - Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
--Tina Amorok, Psy. D. - Editor, Consciousness and Healing