The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. __Albert Einstein Last night I had a dream! In the dream I was talking to my boss about a new vacuum cleaner that the company had purchased. Sounds pretty mundane and dull, but I realized I needed to pay attention to what the dream was trying to tell me. As we all know, a vacuum cleaner is a gadget that sucks in the muck and cleans thinks up. I had fallen asleep feeling discontent and stuck so I am not surprised that I had such a dream. In contemplating what was going on within me I realized that lately, like a lot of us, I have been caught up, or 'sucked in' by other people's lives and their expectations of me rather than paying attention to my intuition and my purpose in life.
Intuition is that wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom that comes from deep within, telling us what is true for us at any given moment and guiding us along lives path. I like how Shakti Gawain puts it in her book, Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance for Daily Life. She writes, "Most often, when you are following your intuitive energy, you feel like you're in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. You may experience a sense of synchronicity with other people and events. Quite frequently things happen almost miraculously. You may experience a profound sense of a higher power at work in the situation; it seems apparent that no individual human could have orchestrated things so perfectly." A synchronistic occurrence happened recently when my husband, Greg, and I were in Barns and Noble looking for a gift for my cousin's son Jon. He works in a remote area in Washington where there is little opportunity to meet people, and is here, in California, to celebrate his birthday. After asking the angels for help, I was hoping to find a book that really stood out as the right book for him. However, time was running out and we hadn't found anything that we were enthusiastic about, so we settled for a classic that I had once read. As we were on the way to the cashier to check out I saw a book that popped out at me. However, though the title of the book intrigued me, and the contents seemed right for Jon, the cover looked much too feminine. So, without mentioning it to Greg, I dismissed it! While standing in line to buy the book that we had originally chosen, Greg noticed a beautiful, leather covered book titled, 100 days to Brave. * It was the same book as the white and pastel covered one that I had dismissed earlier as looking to feminine, only this one had a masculine looking leather cover. We bought it and Jon wholeheartedly loved the book! When I am not listening to my intuition, and am not taking care of my needs, I tend to have a recurring dream. The dream is always about a baby who I am supposed to be taking care of. At some point in the dream I realize that I am neglecting the baby. A few days ago, I had such a dream. I was responsible for a baby who was about a year old. It was late in the afternoon and I realized that I hadn't fed her all day. When I went to find her, she was happily standing by the bed with my passport in her hand. I thought this dream was pretty humorous since my husband and I had been talking about taking a trip overseas a couple of days earlier. Sounds wonderful, but I can find many reasons not to go. Evidently the baby in the dream is indicating that I definitely need the trip. At some time in our lives I believe that most of us loose ourselves to the needs and wants of the world rather than what we are intuitively called to do. As a result, we become dissatisfied, and stop living a fulfilling life. Recently I saw the movie, "Where'd you go Bernadette?" which is a comedy about a woman who was an extremely creative architect but stopped designing. In her youth she had built an eco-friendly house with discarded materials. The house was considered to be a masterpiece! However, after she married, and had a child, she stopped doing what she was meant to do. She got lost in only taking care of her child, and the wants and needs of others. After a series of mishaps, she ended up running away from home. It was only then that she was able to find a way to follow her intuition and bring her creativity back into her life. We don't have to run away from home in order to come back to ourselves but sometimes it takes a crisis or major shift in order for us to realize that we need to go within and follow that intuitive voice. Everyone is born with an intuitive sense, and children naturally come from their intuition, but as we grow older, we tend to depend more on our rational mind and the opinion of others. Our rational mind is useful in helping us to organize, or in helping us to figure out and store information, but we can miss out on the essence of life if we only use our intellect. It works best to pay attention and use both logic and intuition. I believe that intuition is the Spirit trying to connect with us. When we listen to, and follow our intuition, we feel more alive--more in the flow of life. Unfortunately, many other voices come through to block that 'still small voice' as the Bible puts it. Often it is hard to decipher which voice is speaking. Intuition is not the voices of society, our mother, teacher, boss, or significant other. Nor is it our emotional voice of fear, anger or sadness. This voice is neither emotional nor is it judgmental. It is a clear calm inner knowing, and when we pay attention it will always feel right. In next month's blog I will go deeper into how we can recognize and develop our intuition in order to connect to the Divine, and live a more adventurous and joyful life. Love and Peace, Mary *Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance for Daily LIfe by Shakti Gawain *100 days to Brave: Devotions for Unlocking Your Most Courageous Self, by Annie F. Downs *Picture by Shutterstock
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